Rhiannon Waddon

Location: Southern Monitoring Services, Waterlooville, UK
Years with Securitas: 5 years
My current role: SOC operator
Topic studied and where: The role of monitoring stations within the security and guarding industry.
Why did you apply for the scholarship?
I joined Securitas 5 years ago having no previous knowledge of the security industry. My time in the company has seen my knowledge grow, and I have gained a curiosity about the security industry and what it has to offer. I saw this scholarship as a fantastic opportunity to meet more likeminded people with a passion for progress and to learn new ways in which we can keep our clients and their properties safe.
What did you learn/gain from the study visit?
The most striking thing about visiting the Securitas Operations Centres (SOC) in both Stockholm and Malmö was the sense of comradery and respect that the operators have for each other. Everybody shares the responsibility of making our world a safer place, and the mutual care and respect that the operators have for each other is inspiring. I learnt about different solutions we can offer clients and how they link into the monitoring side of the business, how we can collaborate with guards to make response times efficient, and how the technology can be used to reduce false alarms. It was incredibly exciting to also learn more about the development of the MySecuritas App and the role that the Risk Intelligence Center plays in creating in-depth and detail specific reports on current events to aid clients make decisions to keep their employees safe.
How will you share this knowledge/experience with your organization?
In June, I will visit our SOC in Milton Keynes during a team day to learn more about the role our colleagues play in the running of the Risk Intelligence Center. I have a presentation scheduled with our Country President and our HR director to discuss my time in Sweden and the invaluable information I have collected. I will also be having a meeting with several of my immediate managers to look at ways we can incorporate changes within our own operations.