At today's Extraordinary General Meeting in Securitas AB (publ) it was resolved, in accordance with the Board of Directors' proposal, on a dividend to the effect that all shares in the wholly-owned subsidiaries Securitas Direct Aktiebolag ("Direct") and Securitas Systems AB ("Systems") will be distributed to the shareholders.
Each share in Securitas AB entails a right to one share in Direct and one share in Systems. Holders of a class A share will receive one class A share in Direct and one class A share in Systems. Holders of a class B share will receive one class B share in Direct and one class B share in Systems. The record date for entitlement to receive share dividend was determined to September, 28 2006. The first day of trading in Direct and Systems on the Stockholm Stock Exchange is expected to be September 29, 2006.
For further information, please refer to the prospectuses that have been prepared by reason of the distribution and listing of Direct and Systems. The prospectuses are available on Securitas AB's website,
Thomas Berglund, President and CEO +44 (0) 20 8432 6551
HÃ¥kan Winberg, Executive Vice President and CFO +44 (0) 20 8432 6554
Henrik Brehmer, Senior Vice President Investor Relations +44 (0) 20 8432 6523
The press release can be downloaded from the enclosed link.