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Securitas to retain and expand GM contract

04 August 2006 16:00

Securitas USA has today signed an agreement to provide security solutions to General Motors in North America and Europe. Total value of the agreement is approximately MUSD 800 over a five year period effective as of January 1, 2007. The agreement is an expansion of services to General Motors to also include Europe, compared to the previous contract.

"As we expand our current North American relationship to include Europe, our respective organizations are clearly demonstrating a common commitment to developing our global partnership to the mutual benefit of both organizations" says Santiago Galaz, President of Securitas North American operations"

Main services and solutions include physical guarding, and technology/systems support services in approximately 150 locations in 21 countries throughout North America, Europe and Argentina. Securitas will manage strategic partnerships at an additional 12 locations in 7 countries.

"The Securitas Global Automotive Service Division has focused over the past several years on developing a closer relationship between operating units in the US and Europe. We have established an international management infrastructure which allows us to respond on a global basis to customer needs both in countries where we have a physical presence and those where we do not. This infrastructure enables us to drive common processes to improve service delivery and cost efficiency to our clients" says Tim Frank, Head of Global Automotive Service Division.

The press release is also available on:

Thomas Berglund, President and CEO +44 (0) 20 8432 6551
HÃ¥kan Winberg, Executive Vice President and CFO +44 (0) 20 8432 6554
Henrik Brehmer, Senior Vice President Investor Relations +44 (0) 20 8432 6523
Santiago Galaz, President of North American operations +1 (973) 397 2565

The press release can be downloaded from the enclosed link.

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