Sustainability focus areas and targets
Our sustainability strategy supports the overall business strategy, and we have ambitious targets for our sustainability focus areas. Our value creation and positive impact on society is evident in our Net Impact rating of 70 percent and AAA rating by Upright Project. We are also proud to be the first global company in the security industry to commit to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), and we are now in the process of developing and validating targets to reduce the Group’s climate impact.
We focus on six sustainability areas, based on how the sustainability strategy can support our overall business strategy and what is most important to our stakeholders.
Diversity, equity and inclusion
Share of female managers at all levels/functions to be over 20% by 2025 (2023: 25%).
Description and activities
We have a diverse workforce with a wide set of skills and experience, and to future-proof us, we are taking further steps to fully leverage this great resource. We are developing global recruitment guidelines, re-assessing the requirements for certain job roles and developing an employee promise.
In 2023, we conducted a global employee survey that included questions about diversity and inclusion. The results will be used to set the baseline for an inclusion index.
Our target in this focus area is to have more than 20 percent female managers at all levels in the company by 2025. Though we have already achieved this target at some levels, we need to get a better understanding of the reasons for not reaching it at other levels and set action plans.
Health and safety
5% annual decrease of company injury rate (2023: +6%).
Description and activities
The health and safety of our people, both physically and mentally, is a top priority at Securitas.
We have a target to reduce the Group injury rate by five percent annually, but our most important health and safety work is preventing accidents and incidents from occurring in the first place.
To achieve this, we have implemented a framework based on the ISO 45001 methodology, including risk assessments, training, reporting of all injuries and incidents, root-cause analysis, follow-ups and clear responsibility.
Learning and development
Completion of Group mandatory courses (2022: 54% of all employees).
Description and activities
Employee training and development is a strategic priority for Securitas as it enables us to meet our clients’ growing demands for higher security and more advanced security solutions. To support this, Securitas has its own training centers in most countries of operation to ensure our employees have the necessary competence to provide clients with high-quality security services.
Empowering employees means investing in training, skills and professional development opportunities. We also encourage people to take on responsibility early in their careers. In addition to extensive local training curricula, we have an executive development program and a leadership framework.
All Securitas employees undergo training in Securitas’ Values and Ethics Code. An in-depth training program is available in over 30 different languages, either as an e-learning course or classroom training. Relevant employees also receive training in other core policies, such as the anti-corruption and anti-bribery policy and the anti-trust policy. The current target for this focus area is for the target groups to complete mandatory courses in the Group training curriculum within given time frames.
Committing to Science Based Target initiative (SBTi); goal to have validated science-based target by Q4 2023 (2022: Committed to SBTi).
Description and activities
Our primary direct environmental impact comes from the vehicles used in our operations. In 2022, we committed to Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi) and are currently conducting a Groupwide project to collect data for the actual target proposal to be validated by SBTi.
We have reported our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions to the Corbon Disclosure Project (CDP) since 2011 and we are now adding more Scope 3 data. As a signatory of the UN Global Compact, we strive to follow the Rio Declaration’s precautionary principle regarding threats of serious or irreversible environmental damage.
Business ethics
Business ethics workshops completed in all countries by end of 2023 (2022: 16 countries completed).
Description and activities
We are a responsible company with a high level of integrity, and we never compromise on our values and business ethics. We have a strong culture of integrity and zero tolerance of non-compliance with values and ethics. Policies such as Securitas’ Values and Ethics Code, the Securitas anti-bribery and anti-corruption policy, the Securitas’ fair competition and anti-trust policy and the Business partner code of conduct set out the principles and provide guidance.
Our business ethics compliance function is a Group function responsible for anti-bribery and anti-corruption, competition and anti-trust, and data privacy risks, as well as the Group’s whistleblower system and supply chain risk management framework.
We have updated and strengthened our compliance program to be undertaken by the business. On-site workshops are being conducted in all countries to build awareness, assess risks, and controls, and establish action plans to close identified gaps. The target for the business ethics focus area is to complete workshops in all countries by 2023.
Community involvement
Complete review of annual spend on community involvement (2022: Delayed until Q1 2023).
Description and activities
We may be a global company, but our business is deeply rooted in the local communities where we operate and we actively engage with them. For example, we partner with organizations in the US and Belgium that search for missing children. In Colombia, Securitas has joined UN Global Compact and the Business for Peace and Women’s Empowerment, and we actively recruit war victims, displaced persons and retired military personnel. Securitas provides basic security officer training for these recruits at no cost and then offers them employment within the company. This not only helps the community but also enriches our workforce with a diverse set of skills and experiences.