Ports and harbor areas that have terminals with large flows of goods are vulnerable targets and can be subject to risks of aggression, malicious acts or even terrorism. These threats escalate as port activity increases.
The site is often large with many workers from different companies as well as temporary and foreign dock workers. Due to the ongoing terrorist threat, security requirements in transport and logistics have been drastically tightened. With the introduction of the C-TPAT and ISPS code (International Ship and Port Facility Security), the security of seaports has been brought to the same level that applies for airports. We can support you with the required security procedures and plans, build the appropriate infrastructure and collect the security-related information in a timely and efficient manner.
Integrated security solutions for maritime protections
Our extensive experience combined with security services adapted to port and maritime protection, makes us the ideal partner to provide fully integrated security solutions. Through early detection of abnormal situations or behavior and the correct follow-up, we prevent incidents and your primary business process is not disrupted. Securitas is cognizant of all laws and regulations and has knowledge of AEO. The solutions are tailored to secure the area, to prevent the entry of prohibited or dangerous objects and clandestine entrants on ships, and to control vehicles or goods when boarding.
We design and install the required security technology based on the clients’ operations and complement with port protection security officers to perform services, such as access screening of workers, surveillance and multi-layered security.
Security cameras are a cost-efficient method of patrolling large areas and detecting attempts to damage fences and similar intrusions. Thermal cameras detect movements in areas with containers. Video verification is performed by the Securitas Operations Center around the clock.
Preventive measures
- Screening of vehicles and trucks entering the restricted port and harbor area
- Screening of pedestrians entering the restricted area
- Baggage and container screening with an x-ray tool
- Site access control before the restricted area
- Closure of entrances outside docking period
- Video surveillance with alarm verification and call of forces if needed
Combined guarding and technology in the harbour
The client, global integrated container logistics and shipping company needed to improve the quality of the security services with a better control on risk mitigation. A security concept was developed combining guarding and technology. The client wanted to build a safe and secure automated maritime terminal and, to make this a success, the client wished a single point of contact for all security services. To make it more efficient security and safety were combined.
A proactive partnership was agreed in order to provide the right security in line with the evolving risks. We provide guarding services including access control and visitor management with fingerprint scanning. There are regular and ad hoc patrol rounds on site. A hazardous Cargo team ensures surveillance and supervision of containers loaded with high risk or high value content. An impressive number of cameras allow remote guarding monitored by the Securitas Operation Center during nights and weekends. For safety reasons, body cams are worn by some staff members in case man down alerts are needed. Our maritime clients can opt for additional CCTV surveillance, perimeter control, barriers and turnstiles, and fence control. Trucks are checked on arrival and departure. Reporting is provided to the client on the basis of video analytics and a global set of KPI’s has been agreed.